It’s the last week of Popcorn Sales, so there’s still time to meet your sales goals and earn prizes and help your Pack GO!   Even if you’ve already met your goal, there’s still time to sell more!  But, it’s time to wrap it up and turn in those orders.

Your den leaders should have communicated with you when the order forms are due to them.  They will be turning them in next week, so please do your best to help out and get them in on time.  Also, please carefully check over your order before turning it in, because errors mean Pack 90 buys extra popcorn, or your orders may be shorted.

Before your turn in your order forms and money to your den leader, please use the following checklist to make sure it all runs smoothly:

    * Make a copy of your order form.  People who bought popcorn THIS year will likely buy again NEXT year.

    * Each form should have the Scout’s name, den, and phone number.

    * Each Scout should have his selected prize written on the order form.  Please verify that the Scout has chosen from the correct category.  Selecting from a lower category is OK, but only ONE prize can be selected.  If there’s no prize selected, one will be chosen for him.  REMINDER:  ONLINE sales do NOT go on the form, and do NOT count toward the “take order” prizes.  ONLY sales listed on the order form count toward those prizes. (online sales DO count for Pack 90 incentives – free campouts, trips to NASA, etc…  – just not the prizes on the form)

    * Verify ALL amounts on the forms – make sure there are no math errors on individual orders.  Errors mean you pay for extra popcorn, or your customers don’t get what they wanted.

    * Verify that your Scout’s total checks and cash turned in equals what is on the form.  You are responsible for popcorn you order.

    * Mark your den number AND the scout’s initials on the “for” line of each check.  This is important in order to track down returned checks.

It’s important that orders get turned in on time, because if it’s late – we only receive 20% of sales, instead of 30%.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call.

Thanks for supporting Scouting!

Russell “Popcorn Kernel” Watson


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