Author: benford

  • Father and Son Camp Out Photo Gallery

    We had a great time at the Father and Son camp out at Lake Sommerville.  In order to start keeping a history of Pack 90 we will be starting up a Photo Gallery section on the website. NOTE: In order to view the photo Gallery you mist first obtain the “invitation code”  from your Den…

  • USS Lexington Overnighter (Dec. 12th – Dec. 13th)

    Spend the night on an aircraft carrier! The overnight stay includes tours of the ship, a movie in the MEGA Theater, two trips through the chow line, bunking in original crew quarters, and an unforgettable flag ceremony. Where Is The USS Lexington? The USS LEXINGTON rests in Corpus Christi Bay, just across the ship channel…

  • Scout Uniform recycling program – help!

    Parents – I am looking for a volunteer to help launch a “UNIFORM CLOSET” for Pack 90.  Our kids outgrow their shirts, and graduate to the brown shirts in Webelos every year.   Let’s share the shirts, pants, hats, etc. that are no longer needed, so more of the kids can wear the proper uniform. Contact…

  • Father/Son Campout info!

    It’s campout time!   Here is the link to the Father/Son campout information page.  There is a lot of information!


    It’s the last week of Popcorn Sales, so there’s still time to meet your sales goals and earn prizes and help your Pack GO!   Even if you’ve already met your goal, there’s still time to sell more!  But, it’s time to wrap it up and turn in those orders. Your den leaders should have communicated…

  • Family Campout

    I hope everyone had a good time! Look for details coming soon for the November – Father/Son campout! REVIEW THE CAMPING CHECK-LIST BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFO.  The camping area is 500 feet from the parking lot.  We will enter the zoo through an office with a standard entry door,  so large items will be difficult…

  • Caveman Dinner – a messy good time!(Please read the comments)

    Wow!  Thanks to Russell and Tate (and Sherry) for a great time today at the Caveman Dinner!  Scouts who sold over $150 in popcorn were treated to salad, spaghetti and meatballs, and worm-filled mud for dessert.  The food fight was a bonus!  KEEP SELLING THAT POPCORN!  pics – Scouts who sell at least $150…

  • Space Derby – a total BLAST!

    Thanks to Ron Allan, Armando Ortiz, Carlos Barrera, and everyone who helped and turned out for the Space Derby last Sunday!

  • Family Campout Signups are due!

    Please e-mail our Cubmaster at to register your family for the upcoming family campout!  We need your registration money and  physical forms by this weekend (October 4th). Family Campout 2009 BSA Medical Form

  • Pack 90 Cub Scouts Popcorn Sales 2009

    We have ONE fund-raiser per year. This is it. Pack 90 receives 30% of all popcorn sales. Please read the flyer for more valuable information about this fund-raiser and find out about all the great prizes available. Sell Popcorn 2009